Saturday, February 21, 2009

the fun-ness has begun!

not what you're thinking...we dont have her here quite yet. we've just been getting everything ready for when she does though! jord has always said that we couldnt get "girly" bedding for the crib because we'd have to re-buy new stuff if/when we have a little boy. lucky for me and for her, he changed his mind when he found this (all by himself, i might add) on sale! he was quite pleased when he suprised me with the new bedding all ready to go in the crib. its super cute! i love it.

and just for my mommy and green beans!! here's my cute little belly! 36 weeks and patiently counting.......


Jeanne Garner said...

ABOUT TIME!!! Love the belly and the crib set!!
green beans